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- Apart from infrastructure & performance of the students, the reputation of institute is known from the conduct of students.
- In order to make the college feel proud of you, the following code of conduct is expected.
Students are expected to :
- Achieve program educational objectives (PEO’s) & expectations of the course to its maximum extent.
- Attend all examinations that you are entered for
- Attend all theory classes, practical’s, & demonstrations
- Attend regular meetings of Local Guardian to discuss their problems, if any.
- Be equipped for all lessons with relevant materials and have your Student ID Card with you at all times when at college.
- Be regular and punctual in their studies
- Complete all your work by the agreed deadlines.
- Fully participate in tutorials, discussion, careers guidance, industrial visits, guest lectures and any additional support arranged for you.
- Keep campus clean and create congenial atmosphere and environment conducive for studies.
- Observe self imposed discipline in all activities & studies.
- Providing false information, manipulated documents, cyber crime etc clearly leads to cancellation of admission at any level.
- Regularly read the notices, so as not to miss any important information.
- Student should not discriminate on the basis of religion, caste and sex etc.
- Students are expected to conserve water, electric power, gas etc.
- Students are expected to maintain their academic integrity. Cheating and plagiarism are violations of that standard.
- Students should keep their parents informed regularly about their performance on studies and other problems, if any.
- Students should not rag fresher rather they will make them feel comfortable. Ragging of any kind is strictly prohibited and anti-ragging cell will handle the case according to the rules and regulations of the government.
- Students should pay the Institute dues well in time.
- Switch off all mobile phones in learning areas and only use your mobile in an appropriate way in student common areas.
- Treat and talk to all staff, students and the local community with respect.
Value the college environment by not dropping litter, damaging college furniture or buildings.